Buena Vista tries to have an event each month. Among those events, will be group participation in an after-school program where student-athletes will serve as additional helpers with the attendees. SAAC also sponsored a recent costume contest, and some are participating in "No-Shave November" to promote cancer prevention.
Central conducted one of its most successful blood drives ever. They also sponsored a sports nutritionist who came to campus to talk to the female student-athletes, in particular. The SAAC also has reached across campus for education from administration. The Student Life office, for example, conducted a session on sexual assault, which is an important topic on campuses nationally.
Coe has participated in an "America Reads" walk-a-thon. They're also looking at an upcoming social function billed as a "Family Feast" in which student-athletes will bring a potluck dish for a department-wide bonding event. The SAAC also sponsors an Espys-like program later in the year that recognizes student-athletes for excellence on and off the field.
Dubuque is attempting to integrate its SAAC into some existing programs sponsored by the entire institution. Each year, the campus volunteers to clean a local park in the city. The school also is involved in a city-sponsored "Dream Center." The organization works to encourage and motivate underprivileged youth as role models.
Loras recently conducted a Talent Show in which teams were paired and had to come up with a dance skit. Coe also has been thinking about this idea, and the Loras reps had good advice. For Division III Week last year, SAAC sponsored a cookout at the scheduled softball doubleheader. Loras also sponsored a "Take a Kid to the Game" event for a September soccer doubleheader.
Luther will be trying a new Special Olympics project this year. "Unity Bowl" will pair Special Olympics athletes with Luther student-athletes for an on-campus program followed by a trip to a local bowling alley. Luther also revived an annual pep rally. Billed as the "Rally in the Valley," it was a great kickoff to Homecoming weekend.
Simpson is looking to partner with Indianola High School, which does a big Special Olympics activity. SAAC also has been involved in the campus's "Rally to Stop Hunger." Dance Marathon, a popular activity on college campuses nationally, comes to Simpson this year. SAAC will have a role in planning and conducting the event. SAAC also sponsors a year-end athletics banquet.
Wartburg conducts annual projects with great success. The group is doing the Northeast Iowa Food Bank Backpack Pack on November 17. SAAC is involved heavily annually in the Special Olympics Unified Sports Day. Something new this year was a series of sessions that provided leadership training to student-athletes. SAAC will sponsor a Bystander Intervention training program in January.
NCAA Legislation
The group provided input on three key NCAA proposals that will be voted in January.
* Deregulation of Electronic Transmissions -- This proposal would eliminate many of the coach/ administrator limitations on social-media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Currently, a coach or individual sport page or feed may not "Like" or "Follow" a prospect. Public posting on Facebook pages and Twitter feeds also is impermissible. The IIAC SAAC voted 4-12 against the proposal, citing intrusion and borderline unprofessional aspects of college coaches' communication with prospects. Supporters noted this is the way young people communicate, and Division III should allow for as aggressive a recruiting platform as possible since we don't allow athletics scholarships.
* Football Nontraditional Season -- Considered for the second straight Convention, this proposal would allow a full-blown spring practice for football. Currently, all that's permitted is non-contact, non-padded conditioning sessions. The Conference SAAC voted 14-2 in favor of adopting the nontraditional season, citing better preparation for the following season and equity with the other fall sports that practice formally in the spring.
* Institutional Fundraisers Involving Athletics Ability -- The Iowa Conference and the University Athletic Association are cosponsoring this. It would allow, on a voluntary basis, a student-athlete to participate in these fundraisers out-of-season. The example given was the member of the golf team that participates in a par 3 challenge at the athletics department's annual golf outing. The student-athlete is not required to be there and is not being directed by the coach or any staff member in any way. The IIAC SAAC supported the proposal, 16-0.
IIAC Fall Meeting Legislation
The group provided input on a couple of the proposals that will be considered by the IIAC Management Council on November 16. None rose to the level of taking an actual vote.
Action Items
* Forward SAAC activities write-ups and photos to be posted on this blog.
* Emphasis on sportsmanship and diversity programming; the conference office would like to see the hashtag #IIACUnited when these programs are publicized (on Twitter or not, given the hashtag sign is well-known everywhere).
* An February conference call to review action steps, discuss NCAA Convention actions, and preview the Iowa Conference spring legislative agenda.
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